Monday 9 February 2015

Elements of Art

The elements of art consist of'; Shape, Form, Value, Line, Colour, Space, and Texture. All of these elements combine make a strong art piece.


Shape is seen in this piece of all of the designs made to fit inside of the body and neck of the guitar. It helps give the piece an abstract feel. Each shape is different but definitive in its own way. If you look closely at the image, other guitars are formed by the shapes.


The form in this piece is seen very clearly. It is painted on a flat surface but depth can be seen from the eye itself and the eyelid and lashes. The lashes feel like they are popping of the painting at you as the eye feels like it is set back in the wall, connected with it. 


Value is seen in this piece as the light and dark is clearly defined. The grass under the tigers feet and back drop of the dense jungle is clearly separated as the jungle is shaded very dark to show the density. Even the bull under the tiger is shaded darker as the shadow of the tiger covers it. Each stripe on the tiger as well is clearly defined with some dark ones being darker to show age in the tiger. 


Lines in this piece are seen all over it. They are what make up the design of Batman and the Joker next to each other. On Batman the lines are seen more dense and straight almost representing a more proper look as with the Joker they are a bit more spaced in areas and have more of a curve representing the more darker tone. 


Colour in art helps develop what the viewer sees. We all see colour differently but the shades and tones are always the same. In this piece the brighter tones almost give off a sign of mystery even though the colours seem inviting. The tone and the way they are placed shows another story, but it may be different for someone else who is viewing this.


This one of the most common designs seen when dealing with space. The negative and positive space are clearly represented. In one there appears to be a vase but in the other it is two people looking at each other. The facial features make up the outline of the vase right? Or does the outline of the vase make the facial features. That is the beauty of space, when it is used right it can create something completely different. 


This is a digital rendering of Mercury. Nothing fancy right? Well I bet just looking at it you can feel the rocky terrain on your finger tips, the crumble of the gravel and dried rock on your hands. Texture is seen very prominent in 3D art and renderings. They help give a feel to the piece and make it feel like you are actually looking at something that is there and at any given moment you could be actually touching it.

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